How To Hack Your Happy Hormones

Today I want to talk to you about a hidden gem that can make you happier, regulate your moods better and even reduce pain. No, it’s not illegal or a banned substance. It’s natural and already a part of you!!! Happy hormones are chemicals that are created in your body and sent around your bloodstream.

Now the big question is, how can we access these hormones and unlock their true potential? Well luckily for you, I will be giving a rundown of each happy hormone and ways that you can enhance them to experience the full benefits!

Dopamine: The Motivation Hormone

BAM! The hormone that makes you feel unstoppable and on top of the world. Dopamine is a really important part of our daily life as it is a vital element in our reward framework to ensure we are feeling good. Dopamine in its basic form is the motivation and reward hormone that is responsible for emitting pleasurable sensations when we have a sense of accomplishment from something we set out to do.

Why rely on extrinsic pleasures like alcohol when you can do it naturally yourself? So how can you do this you may be asking!

  • The first big booster of dopamine is through exercise which not only gives you a rush of dopamine but also promotes a healthier daily lifestyle meaning it’s the best of both worlds.

  • Secondly, listening to upbeat music can boost dopamine. For me, music has been a vital part of my daily life and can really turn a bad day into a great day.

Endorphins: The Natural Painkiller

Would you believe me if I told you laughter could act as a natural painkiller? Probably not. But let me explain to you the real benefits of endorphins and how they can help you. Endorphins are neurotransmitters released by our body to reduce pain that we might feel. Similar to medication, these hormones interact with our brain’s opiate receptors making endorphins a natural life safer when you feel pain.

The main ways to boost the release of endorphins are through laughter, exercise or even dancing where all these activities can lead to a decrease in pain and an elevation in your overall mood.

Oxytocin: The Love Hormone

This one goes out to all you tree-huggers out there. Keep up the hugging! Oxytocin plays a vital role in social connections and behaviour. It can be released through hugging or physical intimacy with a partner which can promote greater social interactions and trust, making us feel more connected to one another.

Oxytocin can also be released by acts of kindness and generosity so spending time with loved ones or doing something nice for someone can also help boost this hormone.

It’s important to note that too much of a good thing can sometimes be bad and in this case, maintaining a balance is always essential! Spread the love and reap the benefits it can give you but be careful to not become too dependent on it.

Serotonin: The Mood Regulator

This one to some degree is the most important as this hormone ensures that our mood and emotions are regulated throughout the day. It can help us feel calm and happier throughout the day to ensure we get through all the struggles that come our way.

There are a plethora of ways to increase serotonin levels such as simply spending time in the sun, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. If you are feeling down, boosting your serotonin levels naturally could help improve your mood and overall health!

Long-term Growth and Balance

It’s safe to say that these happy hormones are a vital foundation for a happier and healthier life. They can improve our mood, tackle pain and allow us to have stronger connections with one another.

The best part of all of this is that you don’t have to go out of your way to improve the release of these hormones, but simply aiming to progress your life through more exercise, eating healthier and making a few better life choices can increase the production of these happy hormones without you even realising you’ve done it!


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Toxic Positivity